Category: Local Government/Agency

A Technical Framework for Increasing Groundwater Replenishment

“A Technical Framework for Increasing Groundwater Replenishment” is a roadmap document for local agencies or groundwater sustainability agencies (GSAs) to utilize when navigating how to develop groundwater replenishment projects. This document walks readers through the current landscape of the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) and provides the context that, as part of SGMA implementation, groundwater replenishment will be an important component to how sustainability is achieved under SGMA. The technical framework provides the following considerations for how to develop groundwater replenishment projects.
• Financial – scoping the capital costs, operating costs, and water supply yield and cost
• Technical – identifying the source water, infrastructure needs and constraints, method of recharge, and specific locations for direct recharge
• Institutional – developing partnerships and agreements, and navigating water rights
• Administrative – contracting, applying for permits, and securing funding

The document includes additional resources that support the development of groundwater replenishment projects, as well as case studies of entities that are piloting their own replenishment projects.

Coyote Valley Conservation Areas Master Plan

Coyote Valley is a rural and natural area located at the southern edge of San Jose and is one of the last remaining undeveloped valley floors in the region. Approximately seven miles long and two miles wide, it is defined by the Diablo Range to the east and the Santa Cruz Mountains to the west. The valley is remarkable for its role connecting the ecosystems of the Santa Cruz Mountains with the rest of California, as well as its scenic beauty, rich biodiversity, prime farmland, and unique water resources. The Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority (Authority) and its partners have made protection of Coyote Valley a top priority, and in recent years approximately 1,500 acres of valley-floor land have been permanently protected.

The Coyote Valley Conservation Areas Master Plan (CVCAMP) will create a roadmap for implementing wildlife linkages, restoring water resources and habitat, supporting climate-smart agriculture, and providing equitable public access on Coyote Valley’s protected lands. The CVCAMP is managed by Authority in close partnership with the Peninsula Open Space Trust (POST) and the City of San Jose and will be created via an integrated, science-based planning process shaped by robust and inclusive stakeholder and community engagement.

A key focus element of the CVCAMP will be restoration of the historic Laguna Seca wetlands—the largest freshwater marsh in the region—and rehabilitation of a heavily modified creek system in the Fisher Creek floodplain. Restoration of these water resources will entail retirement of constructed channels, levees, and an earthen dam, and restoring natural landscape processes that will help rebuild the landscape’s capacity to buffer surrounding and downstream areas from increasingly unpredictable flood and stormwater events resulting from climate change. Floodplain restoration will also result in increased climate resilience for the region, enhanced habitat for wildlife, and a suite of other co-benefits like flood-managed aquifer recharge and carbon sequestration.

In late 2021, the Authority hired a team of technical experts led by the firm SWCA Environmental Consulting & Engineering, Inc. to work on the CVCAMP. The Authority anticipates a three-to-five-year integrated planning effort. The CVCAMP will identify early implementation projects to be constructed within the next five to ten years, as well as develop a larger programmatic vision with a 20-to-30-year time horizon. Planning work is funded by the Authority and POST with generous support from partners, including the California Wildlife Conservation Board, and from the County of Santa Clara Parks & Recreation Department.