Monthly Lunch-MAR Webinars
Lunch-MAR webinars take place the first Wednesday of each month. In these webinars, network members and invited guests present on and discuss a wide range of topics relevant to Flood-MAR, ranging from water rights to geophysics.
To join a Lunch-MAR Session, please use this link [Note: The link was updated on 01.06.2025 for sessions occurring from February 2025 – December 2027. Registration is no longer needed to join]
Wednesday, February 5, 2025, 12:30PM -1:30PM
San Joaquin Valley Flood-MAR Dashboard
Presenter: Christine Gutierrez, GEI
This presentation will provide an overview of an integrated flood forecasting and notification tool for agencies and diverters to facilitate diversion of floodwaters for groundwater recharge in the San Joaquin Valley.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 12:30PM -1:30PM
Introducing DWR’s Basin Characterization Program (co-hosted by the Basin Characterization Exchange)
Presenters: Steven Springhorn and Katherine Dlubac, DWR’s Basin Characterization Program
The Basin Characterization (BC) Program builds off of DWR’s historic role of characterizing groundwater basins and publishing
California’s Groundwater. The BC Program will provide the latest data, tools, and information about California’s groundwater aquifers, a critical component to California’s natural infrastructure . Under the Basin Characterization Program, DWR will conduct a series of Local and Regional Groundwater Evaluations, develop data analysis tools and process documents, ensure data accessibility and visualization, and create state-stewarded maps and models. State-stewarded maps and models will include aquifer recharge potential maps, texture models, and hydrostratigraphic models. DWR’s presentation will provide an overview of the BC Program and will also serve as the launch of the Basin Characterization Exchange (BCX), the BC Program’s meeting series and networking space.
Wednesday, April 2, 2025, 12:30PM -1:30PM
Expanding FIRO – Screening Corps Reservoirs Nationally for Forecast-Informed Operations Potential
Presenter: Elissa Yeates, ERDC Coastal and Hydraulics Lab, Hydrologic Systems Branch
Details coming soon!
- May 7
- June 4
- July 2 (TBC)
- August 6
- September 3
- October 1
- November 5
- December 3