Title2023 Flood-MAR Forum Summary Report
Resource Author(s)
  • Flood-MAR Network Coordinating Team
Year of Publication2024
Document Upload2023-Flood-MAR-Forum-Summary-Document-vFINAL.pdf
Full Description

At the Flood-MAR Network’s fourth biannual Flood- MAR Public Forum held in November 2023, nearly 100 Flood-MAR practitioners gathered to share success stories and lessons learned from the landmark wet winter of 2022 – 2023 and identify areas for further preparation needed to implement projects that use floodwaters for managed aquifer recharge in future wet years, for the benefit of communities, ecosystems, and agriculture.

This summary document describes 5 key take-aways from the two day event.

Topic Area(s)
  • Hydrology Observation and Prediction
  • Land Use Planning and Management
  • Local, State, and Federal Policies and Legal Considerations
  • People and Water
  • Recharge and Extraction Methods and Measurement
  • Reservoir Operations
  • Soils, Geology, and Aquifer Characterization
  • Tool and Application Development
  • Water Quality

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