Lunch-MAR Videos

Lunch-MAR webinars take place the first Wednesday of each month. In these webinars, network members and invited guests present on and discuss a wide range of topics relevant to Flood-MAR, ranging from water rights to geophysics.

Community Informed Planning for Multibenefit Recharge Projects through MLRP (Lunch-MAR | May 2024)

The Multibenefit Land Repurposing program has completed its first full year in 2023 and is turning a critical corner - we're coming out of the "storming" phase and seeing coordinated land repurposing efforts "forming". This discussion will offer an update on the intention, structure, and status of the program, and expand on the experience of the Kaweah Water District using the program to integrate habitat restoration and community benefits into high impact groundwater recharge projects.


Understanding and Minimizing Arsenic Mobilization during MAR (Lunch-MAR | April 2024)

While managed aquifer recharge (MAR) offers numerous potential benefits to water supply, geochemical shifts during MAR can mobilize toxic, naturally occurring contaminants from sediments to groundwater, threatening the viability of MAR as a water management strategy. This presentation describes geochemical drivers of arsenic mobilization during MAR using example field studies in California. Additionally, we provide an overview of general guidance developed for the state of Texas to limit arsenic

Engineering With Nature on the Pajaro River for GW Recharge & Flood Protection (Lunch-MAR | March 2024)

Julie Beagle and Dr. Mark Strudley discuss how Engineering With Nature strategies and design elements injected into the design of the Pajaro River at Watsonville levee reconstruction project position the project to achieve multi-benefit flood risk reduction, including enhancement of groundwater recharge. Partnership between local (PRFMA), State (DWR Flood-Mar Group), and federal (USACE) agencies afford the opportunity to use unique design tools, including the EcoFIP toolkit (Ecological Floodpla

Network Event Videos

The Flood-MAR Network host quarterly workshops. These workshops provide opportunities for members to engage in conversations and collaborate on Flood-MAR projects.

180 Day Technical and Regulatory Assistance Program Workshop (Network Event | May 2023)

State Water Resources Control Board, CA Department of Water Resources, and CA Department of Fish and Wildlife co-hosted a workshop on the 180-day temporary water rights permit application process and the technical and regulatory assistance available for local public agencies working on recharge projects using high flows.

Lesson Learned from Winter 2022-23, Workshop Event (FloodMAR Network | March 2023)

This workshop reviewed actual Flood-MAR efforts, highlight successes as well as missed opportunities, and culminated in the identification of Network actions that are needed to place California on the path to realizing the goal of increasing average annual managed groundwater recharge by 500,000 ac-ft.

FloodMAR Network Update (Lunch-MAR |April 2021)

In this April 2021 LunchMAR Session, Orit Kalman (CSUS), Jenny Marr (DWR) and Mike Antos (Santec) offer an update on the Flood-MAR network.

Biannual Forum Videos

The Flood-MAR Public Forum is a multi-day event held every other year to share latest research and information on Flood-MAR and to foster networking and collaboration opportunities.

2021 Flood-MAR Virtual Public Forum, November 10 afternoon session (Flood-MAR Forum | Nov 2021)

Dual presentation on Building Partnerships and Opportunities from a Tribal Liaison Perspective by Dirk Charley, Dunlap Band of Mono Indians, and Making Connections with Sharon Farrell, CA Landscape Stewardship Network.

2021 Flood MAR Forum Topic I & Keynote (Flood-MAR Forum | Nov 2021)

Topic I. Partnership and Opportunities for Collaboration: The solutions to California’s water challenges can be effectively advanced through partnerships among experts and practitioners with the capacity and motivation to coordinate efforts and exchange knowledge and expertise. Making Flood-MAR possible requires a network that accommodates multiple levels of engagement of existing initiatives and collaboratives.

Topic II: Increase Cooperation and Alignment for Multi-Sector, Multi-Benefit Strategies (Flood-MAR Forum | November 2021)

Institutional silos and inefficiencies impede watershed-based solutions, multi-sector management strategies, and multi-benefit projects. Cooperation and alignment of agencies and partners is essential to facilitating the preplanned and real-time decision-making needed for Flood-MAR projects. Achieving the public and private benefits of Flood-MAR requires expediting permitting processes, incentivizing landowner participation, and protecting floodplains and recharge sites.