Title2021 Flood MAR Forum Topic II (Flood-MAR Forum | Nov 2021)
Resource Author(s)
  • Department of Water Resources
  • Matt Zidar, San Joaquin County Department of Public Works
  • Patricia Lock Dawson, Mayor of Riverside
  • Tim Quinn, San Joaquin Valley Water Collaborative Action Program
  • Gary Bardini, Sacramento Area Flood Control Agency
  • Julie Rentner, River Partners
YouTube Linkyoutube.com
Full Description

The third bi-annual Flood-MAR Public Forum was held on November 8-10, 2021 to explore technical, socioeconomics, regulatory, and policy considerations to advance implementation of projects that use floodwaters for managed aquifer recharge (Flood-MAR).

Topic II: Increase Cooperation and Alignment for Multi-Sector, Multi-Benefit Strategies | Institutional silos and inefficiencies impede watershed-based solutions, multi-sector management strategies, and multi-benefit projects. Cooperation and alignment of agencies and partners is essential to facilitating the preplanned and real-time decision-making needed for Flood-MAR projects. Achieving the public and private benefits of Flood-MAR requires expediting permitting processes, incentivizing landowner participation, and protecting floodplains and recharge sites.

Topic Area(s)
  • Crop System Suitability
  • Environment - Terrestrial and Riparian/Aquatic
  • Infrastructure Conveyance and Hydraulics
  • Land Use Planning and Management
  • People and Water
  • Recharge and Extraction Methods and Measurement
  • Soils, Geology, and Aquifer Characterization