Title | On-farm Recharge Pilot Project Case Study - Russel and Matt Efird |
Project Author(s) (Optional) |
Year of Publication | 2023 |
Document Upload (Optional) | Efird-case-study.pdf |
Full Description | Russel and Matt Efird grow raisins, almonds, walnuts, pistachios, and canning peaches in Fresno County, California. Groundwater levels on their farm have decreased 50 feet from 1992 through 2022. On-farm recharge can help to reverse groundwater overdrafting and cease land subsidence occurring in the subbasin. This farm can be a good measure of raisin grape tolerance to recharge timing and how much flood water can be applied without increased fungal disease, such as bunch rot, compared to the growers standard practice. One of the most commonly asked questions about on-farm recharge is “How much water can be applied and when should recharge be ceased to protect |
Project Host Organization, Partner Organizations |
Topic Area(s) |