Title | On-Farm Recharge Pilot Project Case Study – Al Costa |
Project Author(s) (Optional) |
Year of Publication | 2023 |
Document Upload (Optional) | Al-Costa-case-study.pdf |
Full Description | Al Costa is a wine grape grower in the San Joaquin County who has participated in on-farm recharge since 2018. His 13.7-acre recharge site is very sandy, allowing the application of large volumes of water without harm to his crops. The grower also has the benefit of working with an irrigation district that is very supportive of recharge efforts. The on-farm recharge effort at the vineyard is a prime example of what can be achieved when different entities, such as farm communities, local irrigation districts, and groundwater sustainability agencies, collaborate with the common goal of replenishing groundwater. |
Project Host Organization, Partner Organizations |
Topic Area(s) |