2021 Flood-MAR Virtual Public Forum, November 10 afternoon session (Flood-MAR Forum | Nov 2021)
Dual presentation on Building Partnerships and Opportunities from a Tribal Liaison Perspective by Dirk Charley, Dunlap Band of Mono Indians, and Making Connections with Sharon Farrell, CA Landscape Stewardship Network.
2021 Flood MAR Forum Topic I & Keynote (Flood-MAR Forum | Nov 2021)
Topic I. Partnership and Opportunities for Collaboration: The solutions to California’s water challenges can be effectively advanced through partnerships among experts and practitioners with the capacity and motivation to coordinate efforts and exchange knowledge and expertise. Making Flood-MAR possible requires a network that accommodates multiple levels of engagement of existing initiatives and collaboratives.
Topic II: Increase Cooperation and Alignment for Multi-Sector, Multi-Benefit Strategies (Flood-MAR Forum | November 2021)
Institutional silos and inefficiencies impede watershed-based solutions, multi-sector management strategies, and multi-benefit projects. Cooperation and alignment of agencies and partners is essential to facilitating the preplanned and real-time decision-making needed for Flood-MAR projects. Achieving the public and private benefits of Flood-MAR requires expediting permitting processes, incentivizing landowner participation, and protecting floodplains and recharge sites.