Title of Project/Resource | Recharge Roundtable Call to Action: Key Steps for Replenishing California Groundwater |
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Link to Report/Website | ucwater.org |
Document Upload | UC-Water-Recharge-2019_Final_Pages1.pdf |
Full Description Text Body | Following the wet winter of 2016-17, UC Water and GRA of CA convened a Recharge Roundtable Workshop to identify key actions needed to significantly increase recharge to California groundwater systems during the next five years. This document summarizes results of the workshop and of numerous follow-up discussions, foreshadowing issues an problems that challenge recharge efforts to to this day. The document describes and summarizes six essential questions/challenges. This Recharge Roundtable report is an action plan that is organized around six key questions that were posed in the workshop and are considered essential to the recharge challenge: |
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