Title of Project/ResourceBuilding Multi-Benefit Recharge Basins
Resource Author(s)
  • Environmental Defense Fund
  • Point Blue Conservation Science
  • Audobon California
  • Sustainable Conservation
Link to Report/Websiteedf.org
Full Description Text Body

As California faces an unpredictable water future, policy makers and water managers across the state are seeking solutions to build resilience into our water supply system. Groundwater recharge is an excellent tool to replenish depleted aquifers and bank water for future use. In addition to helping water managers balance their water budget, groundwater recharge also provides an opportunity to create habitat for wildlife. This guide highlights recharge basin management strategies that create wildlife habitat and provide operational benefits to basin managers.

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Topic Area(s)
  • Environment - Terrestrial and Riparian/Aquatic
  • Land Use Planning and Management
  • People and Water