Monthly Lunch-MAR Webinars
Lunch-MAR webinars take place the first Wednesday of each month. In these webinars, network members and invited guests present on and discuss a wide range of topics relevant to Flood-MAR, ranging from water rights to geophysics.
To join a Lunch-MAR Session, please use this link [Note: The link was updated on 01.06.2025 for sessions occurring from February 2025 – December 2027. Registration is no longer needed to join.]
Wednesday, April 2, 2025, 12:30PM -1:30PM
Expanding FIRO – Screening Corps Reservoirs Nationally for Forecast-Informed Operations Potential
Presenter: Elissa Yeates, ERDC Coastal and Hydraulics Lab, Hydrologic Systems Branch
Sneak Peek: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) research and operations program Forecast-Informed Reservoir Operations (FIRO) seeks to add flexibility to dam release decisions where possible to improve outcomes across multiple objectives, including flood risk management, water supply availability, groundwater recharge, and environmental flows. This approach has demonstrated benefits during recent water years at pilot sites, expanding demand for FIRO assessments and implementation at more reservoirs. A nationwide screening process for FIRO is being applied across the USACE portfolio of reservoirs, assessing opportunities for benefit, barriers to implementation, and sufficiency of forecast skill by site. This presentation shares results of FIRO screening nationwide and in more detail across the southwest region and connects those results with MAR opportunities downstream of USACE dams.
Wednesday, May 7, 2025, 12:30 – 1:30
Increasing Groundwater Recharge Capacity in Southern San Joaquin Municipal Utility District – A Case Study Highlighting Planning, Funding, Constructing and Operating Recharge Facilities Within the District
Presenters: Sam Schaefer, Bryan Thoreson, Nayeli Rodriguez, GEI Consultants
Sneak Peek: The Southern San Joaquin Municipal Utility District is expanding its groundwater recharge facilities to enhance its ability to use surface water for replenishing groundwater. Originally supported by the Central Valley Project and the Friant-Kern Canal, the District’s water supply has faced challenges due to reduced CVP reliability and changing delivery schedules. In response to the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) of 2014, the District aims to develop 1,000 acres of recharge facilities over several years. This presentation will cover the District’s progress, including completed recharge sites and plans to convert vineyard land into spreading basins.
Wednesday, June 4, 2025, 12:30PM -1:30PM
Removal of Suspended Solids and Water Quality Improvements from Riverbed Filtration-Eight Years of Demonstration Testing in Orange County, CA
Presenter: Adam Hutchinson, Orange County Water District
Details coming soon!
Wednesday, July 2, 2025 | TBC
Wednesday, August 6, 2025
An Overview of the Groundwater Accounting Platform
Presenter: California Water Data Consortium
Sneak Peek: The Groundwater Accounting Platform is an open-source tool that helps California water managers, landowners, and water users track water budgets and usage more easily in near real-time. The California Water Data Consortium and Environmental Defense Fund have partnered to expand the Platform to new regions, and to provide additional features and functionalities to help more groundwater agencies and growers track water use allocations under SGMA. Come and learn more about new updates to the tool and a vision for the future on August 6, 2025
- September 3
- October 1
- November 5
- December 3