Tag: tTEM

Managed aquifer recharge site assessment with electromagnetic imaging: Identification of recharge flow paths

Surface spreading recharge, the intentional flooding of the ground surface to replenish a groundwater system, is one approach used to mitigate groundwater overdraft in California’s Central Valley (CV). Choosing appropriate sites for surface spreading recharge, in regard to the sites’ ability to convey water from the ground surface to the desired recharge depth, can be challenging because of limited knowledge of the properties of the subsurface. In this study, we present an approach for using a towed time-domain electromagnetic (tTEM) imaging method to develop three-dimensional (3D) models of sediment type, map potential flow paths through the subsurface, and evaluate sites for surface spreading. We began with tTEM data from seven sites in the CV along with an existing resistivity-to-sediment type transform. We leveraged geostatistical methods to generate multiple 3D models of binary (flow and no-flow) sediment type from the tTEM data. We then developed two metrics to assess the quality of sites for recharge: (a) the depth to the shallowest no-flow unit beneath each point at the surface and (b) preferential flow paths lengths measured by finding the shortest distance through connected flow units between surface points and the desired depth. We explored how these metrics can be used to identify optimal areas within a site, then developed a way to compare and assess the relative suitability of each site using the decay in the number of vertical flow paths as a function of depth. Our methods can be used to rapidly identify potential sites for surface spreading recharge.

Recharge site assessment through the integration of surface geophysics and cone penetrometer testing

Paper Abstract:

The ability to identify, at potential managed aquifer recharge sites, the presence of connected pathways of hydraulically conductive sediments from the ground surface to the water table could help minimize costs and risks associated with recharge operations. A spatially dense dataset had previously been acquired in an almond [Prunus dulcis (Mill.) D.A. Webb] grove in Tulare, CA, using tTEM, a towed transient electromagnetic (tTEM) geophysical method. In order to interpret reliable information about sediment type from the tTEM data, a transform from the tTEM-derived property, electrical resistivity, to sediment type is required. The uncertainty associated with derived models of sediment type can be significantly reduced if a site- and dataset-specific transform is used. Cone penetrometer testing (CPT) was conducted at five locations, strategically selected based on a review of the tTEM data. Co-located measurements of sediment type, derived from the CPT, and electrical resistivity, derived from the tTEM data, were used to create a resistivity-to-sediment-type transform, with sediment type classified as either coarse-grain-dominated (sand and gravel) or fine-grain-dominated (silt and clay) material. The transform captured the uncertainty associated with variable water salinity and content, the resolution of the tTEM data, and other components of the tTEM measurement workflow. Using this transform, models of sediment type were generated for the unsaturated zone at the site. Within these models are features, which we interpret as potential recharge pathways, corresponding to high fractions of coarse-grain-dominated material amongst regions of fine-grain-dominated material. The workflow developed at this site can provide a framework for using tTEM and CPT for recharge site assessment.