
 TitleAuthor(s) Year of Publication
Shaping Land Use Change and Ecosystem Restoration in Ag Landscapes (Lunch-MAR | Dec 2020)
  • Benjamin Bryant
  • Rodd Kelsey
Merced River Flood-MAR Reconnaissance Study Technical Memorandum 1 Plan of Study – Draft
  • Department of Water Resources
Building Multi-Benefit Recharge Basins
  • Environmental Defense Fund
  • Point Blue Conservation Science
  • Audobon California
  • Sustainable Conservation
Maximizing on-farm groundwater recharge with surface reservoir releases: a planning approach and case study in California, USA
  • Robert M. Gailey
  • Graham E. Fogg
  • Jay R. Lund
  • Josué Medellin-Azuara
Flood-MAR Research and Data Development Plan
  • California Department of Water Resources
A Technical Framework for Increasing Groundwater Replenishment
  • Association of California Water Agencies
Recharge Roundtable Call to Action: Key Steps for Replenishing California Groundwater
  • Graham Fogg (ed.)
  • Leigh Bernacchi (ed.)
  • Helen Dahlke
  • Andrew Fisher
  • Erfan Goharian
  • Thomas Harter
  • Adam Hutchison
  • John McHugh
  • Tim Parker
  • Samuel Sandoval Solis
Water Security, Drought and Climate Change: A California Perspective
  • Graham Fogg
  • Erfan Goharian
  • Robert Gailey
  • Stephen Maples
  • Sam Sandoval
Flood-MAR White Paper
  • California Department of Water Resources
Replenishing Groundwater in the San Joaquin Valley
  • Public Policy Institute of California
Groundwater and Stream Interaction in California's Central Valley: Insights for Sustainable Groundwater Management
  • The Nature Conservancy
  • RMC
DWR's SGMA Best Management Practices and Guidance Documents
  • Department of Water Resources
Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems under the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act
  • The Nature Conservancy
California Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA)
  • California legislators
Forecast Informed Reservoir Operations (FIRO) at Prado Dam, Riverside, CA
  • Orange County Water District (OCWD)
  • Center for Western Weather and Water Extremes (CW3E)
2021 Flood MAR Forum Topic II (Flood-MAR Forum | Nov 2021)
  • Department of Water Resources
  • Matt Zidar, San Joaquin County Department of Public Works
  • Patricia Lock Dawson, Mayor of Riverside
  • Tim Quinn, San Joaquin Valley Water Collaborative Action Program
  • Gary Bardini, Sacramento Area Flood Control Agency
  • Julie Rentner, River Partners
Fairmead Groundwater Resilience Project
Tulare Irrigation District Winter Irrigation
CA NV River Forecast Center
  • National Weather Service
  • CA Department of Water Resources
On the risk of pesticide residue leaching under agricultural managed aquifer recharge
  • Helen Dahlke
  • Nels Rudd
CA Nevada River Forecast Center
  • NOAA
  • NWS
Groundwater Exchange website
  • Chris "Maven" Austin
  • Stanford - Water in the West
  • Environmental Defense Fund
Groundwater Resource Hub
  • The Nature Conservancy
Multi-Benefit Recharge Project Methodology
  • The Nature Conservancy
GAMA: Groundwater Ambient Monitoring and Assessment Program
  • CA State Water Board GAMA Program
  • U.S. Geological Survey
 TitleAuthor(s) Year of Publication