Title of Resource | Author(s) | Year of Publication |
A Technical Framework for Increasing Groundwater Replenishment |
| 2019 |
Building Multi-Benefit Recharge Basins |
| 2020 |
Central Valley Groundwater Recharge Incentives and Strategies |
| 2023 |
| 2023 |
District Recharge Program Guidance |
| 2023 |
DWR's SGMA Best Management Practices and Guidance Documents |
| 2016 |
Flood Control, Groundwater Recharge, and Water Rights |
| 2023 |
Flood-MAR CEQA & Permitting Flow Chart |
| 2023 |
Flood-MAR White Paper |
| 2018 |
Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems under the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act |
| 2014 |
Introduction to Groundwater Recharge |
| 2022 |
Multi-Benefit Recharge Project Methodology |
| |
On-Farm Recharge Methods Manual: a summary of strategies and challenges |
| 2023 |
Protecting Groundwater Quality While Replenishing Aquifers |
| 2021 |
Protegiendo la Calidad del Agua Subterranea Mientras se Reponen los Acuiferos |
| 2021 |
Recharge Roundtable Call to Action: Key Steps for Replenishing California Groundwater |
| 2018 |
Title of Resource | Author(s) | Year of Publication |